Our Discord got hacked today.

A letter to the Fractal community

Fractal Team
2 min readDec 21, 2021

Dear Fractal community,

Earlier today, approximately 373 of our community members fell victim to a scam posted on our Discord. We are sorry. We are going to make this right.

The hacker made out with ~800 sol (~$150,000) by managing to post a fake mint link in our #announcements channel. With over 100,000 members in our community, it’s quite impressive that the hacker only managed to dupe .3% of our community.

Here are the things we are doing to address this:

  1. Fractal is planning to fully compensate these 373 victims. We will need a few days to work it out. Please be patient with us. To the victims: We already have the list of Solana wallets that sent funds to the hacker and so we do not need anything from you at this moment. Do not delete your wallet, as we have no way to verify who the wallet owners are outside of returning funds to the wallets that were drained.
  2. Any information related to our airdrop will be communicated through our Twitter and accompanied by a video from Justin. #ProofOfJustin
  3. We are in touch with Discord Trust and Safety team to do a full security audit of our Discord.
  4. It seems like there may be other Discord communities hacked around the same time as we and we are working with them to compare notes and track down the hacker. There are traces everywhere ser. NGMI.

We must all be careful out there, as the next exploit might be much larger and Fractal will likely not be in a position to cover potential future losses. As we’ve said to the community, Fractal’s NFT airdrop is and always was intended to be free. In this case, the hacker was requesting 1 SOL to “mint”. Their story didn’t make much sense. If something doesn’t feel right in crypto, please don’t proceed, even if at first it looks legitimate. We must use our best judgement as there’s no “undo button” in crypto. Fractal will not charge you for any NFT airdrops.

When we chose our twitter handle @fractalwagmi, this is what we meant. WAGMI. Stay safe out there, frens. And happy holidays!

- Fractal team

